Robotic Linear Rail

Quite a feat of engineering when done correctly, robotic linear rails give an articulated 6-axis robot proverbial legs that greatly increases its working envelope.

As in the case of this robotic chassis transfer solution provided by Robotic Innovations, a Fanuc M-900iA 700kg capacity robot was mounted onto an 8m long linear transfer rail. The project called for an automotive chassis to be collected from the end of its assembly line, and then transferred and stacked 3 high into a stillage. Traditionally, 3 axis linear transfer systems have been used to perform such functions but they require serious steel structures and are maintenance intensive. Therefore the reason that Robotic Innovations rather suggested the use of a robot on a linear rail.

This is not the first large robotic linear rail system that was proudly designed and built in South Africa by Robotic Innovations. We have supplied a few to date, one particular 12m system has travelled over 3500km’s on its rail and is still going strong.